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Mold dismantling measure

Mold dismantling measure

Regular price €14,04 EUR
Regular price €20,65 EUR Sale price €14,04 EUR
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Eliminate the mold easily!

Mold is a fungus and it grows where there is enough moisture. It is not easy to fight the mushroom. Mold, like any fungus, is damaged by a person, only some of its species are poisonous. The biggest threat to the human body is when the mold reproduces. He releases spores and certain toxins that cause various diseases. Remember, mold is harmless to a person until it prevents spores from reproducing! Spores cause a number of chronic respiratory diseases and also causes various allergies.
The body of the mold itself may not harm a person, but it damages the surfaces on which
resides. The fungus feeds on organic matter and water, it does not need sunlight as a plant. This is probably the most affected by wooden surfaces. Concrete and plastic can also suffer. If your bathtub has a mold, do not wait, destroy it as soon as it will reproduce, the harder it will be to eradicate it!

Here, our effective paste for the removal of mold will help you!

Ideal choice. It is thick and viscous, and it will work perfectly with the hard -to -do mold stains. She will go to the stains and will destroy the mold to the sink, bath, shower, concrete without damage to the surfaces and for you. Thanks to the effect of triple oxygen compounds, it penetrates deeply into and destroys mold stains in the narrowest slits while destroying 99 percent of the bacteria. More than 50 percent Home has mold. They can spread at lightning speed and cause 30 different health problems. Much of the chronic disease is caused by mold!


Functions and properties 

  • The paste is for effective mold destruction. Ideal for drywall, concrete, tiles, boat seats, water drained pipes, vinyl, mat, awnings, masonry, roofing, porcelain
  • Antibacterial effect

Without hassle, you will get rid of black and brown spots concentrated in the kitchen and bathroom joints and protect yourself from the formation of new spots. You will get rid of the bad bacteria caused by the mold, the smell! Will destroy 99 percent. bacteria and will prevent new

  • Simple use

Just apply and wipe, do not have to grab! Because the mold destruction paste is highly concentrated, it starts to work instantly. Drain before cleaning, squeeze a little mold dismantling and apply to the surface. Leave for 3- 5 hours and then rinse if wipe with a cloth. Strongly affected areas may need to be repeated.


Ingredients soda hypochloride and soda hyydrochloride
Capacity 120g. 

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